F1 Tweet-up (updated)

This article was updated on 28th March to announce a prize giveaway by @F1Times, more prizes by @car_lease and @TomRedknap added on 12th April.

In Britain, F1-related events tend to be concentrated in the south of UK – perhaps because that’s where most of the Formula 1 factories are based and journalists are scared of traveling further north of Birmigham(!).

So a few F1 fans on Twitter have suggested organising a meet-up (or Tweet-Up in Twitter parlance) in Manchester, north-west England to watch a race. The Spanish GP (13 May)  is the current race choice and the venue is “The Green @getmetothegreen” near Piccadilly Train Station.

Interested tweeps so far are: @nickyhammerton, @BenGriffin7, @Thrinne1, @moss022, @EmTheEmu, @AdamMoran, @F1_PioneerJen , @F1_Senior, @Thegoodbyegirl1 , @TheSilverZebra, @Butler_F1, @Lauren_Jade_B, @PoshKatt , @mclarenmatey, @Nico888, @F1inPubs,  @McLaren_Lew_F1 , @booti101, @LindaSpencer1 , @mrWebbi, @naijasolar, @iMarfinand @SonnieM.

We’re hoping to have some prizes/giveaways on the day so please spread the word to your friends and leave a comment on this page if you have any suggestions or race preference. Best comment will give a small prize too!